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Writer's pictureDanielle Federico

Nefarious - adjective - Definition: wicked, evil, villainous

Today we find ourselves under the influence of another full moon in October. October is notorious for its spooky feel, visitors who haunt us in the night and is always a month of great intrigue and jump scares. For some it's about dressing up as villainous characters, such as Maleficent, or a wicked witch. For others it's about traditions and pumpkin spice.

This October lends a different feel, however. It has been a month of insight, deep emotional releasing, and thoughts of "what's next" and "what am I doing?"

There have been many souls leaving the planet and many new ones arriving. There has been a constant death and rebirth for all of us, showing up in various ways. The planet is in grief and grief is turning into action. The veil is thin, and our souls are tired.

Living in the US has been much like riding a roller coaster, filled with turbulence and twists and turns that even the toughest can't stomach. It has been a ride that many would like to no longer be on. To that I am speaking towards politics, troubling court cases, natural disasters, war, crime, poverty, heartache and so much more.

With a full super blood moon in Aries on October 17th, we are still spinning on that ride, whipping in the wind, waiting to come down to center. You see, this year is revealing so much wickedness, you know, the ones that are wearing masks of false smiles, trying to trick us into believing that they are better than they are? So much is being exposed right beneath our noses and those that have been "hiding" their true agendas are being brought to light.

There is an uprising, an up leveling of consciousness. It has taken our power and our strength to be a part of this new assignment, and many are feeling that something big is coming.

There is.

BUT it might not be what you think.

The turbulence many of us are feeling is the change that is happening within our own bodies and minds. We are reacting to the environment around us. The stimulus, information and technology playing big parts on our thoughts. We are in a consciousness war, and it has been going on for a very long time.

Our spirits are stretching into new ideas, breaking down outdated thought patterns and not wanting to continue on the same path that keeps us repressed and depressed. We are learning to speak out on important topics, to stop behaving in certain ways, to release practices that are no longer in alignment, to change jobs, even our friends and our beliefs.

This is truly a new world that we are embarking upon. We are finding our way and replenishing the medicine of the soul, but we can't drink from an empty cup. We lean into renewed hope and strive for new connections, hoping to find others that are more like us.

Connected to the Collective.

Our hearts have been breaking as we absorb and feel the collective heaviness. There is not one of us that is untouched. Through this knowledge, it is easy to cast shadow, doubt and fear onto each other. We are in a time where separation, hidden agendas and evil wants to prevent us from moving forward. The difference is that more of us see it, acknowledge and want to do something about it. We are fighting a collective fight. Be careful of conspiracy theories and lies that keep you stuck. Question everything as we all fight for original thought! Where do your own beliefs and values exist in the consciousness? Is it truly conscious? Does it exist?

One thing that is for certain, we all must work on keeping our thoughts moving in a conscious, authentic and pure direction. Thoughts are similar to radio waves; they move about in the air and must land somewhere. Our spongey bodies and minds are easily influenced.

Your subconscious is speaking to you.

It is showing you what needs to be seen, healed and revealed. This super moon brings us to the deepest, darkest recesses of the mind, uncovering locked emotions that may bring about sudden sadness, feelings of grief or loss, anger, confusion and more. New energy is being offered, but it cannot become a part of your conscious mind until the old clutter gets attention. It's just like sweeping the attic clean and letting the windows open. This offers us headaches, sleepless nights, nightmares, feelings of temporary hopelessness and even a moment of paralysis. For some they may feel as if they are losing control over their mind and functions. It hasn't been easy.

Massage your temples, head, jaw and and close your mouth to move the trapped energy. Tap at the third eye to "unstick" and move energy. Drink purified water, eat alkaline foods. Rest and rest some more. You are learning more about yourself in this energy.

New things are coming, just don't act too quickly. Give it time to show up completely. We are still in the process of getting our new action plans.

The Villian Era.

Did you realize that most of us have been living out our villain era the past few years? You may have noticed how your tolerance for nonsensical things has shifted. You may have removed people and situations from your life. You may feel stronger, more firm in your boundaries and values. You may be blocking people on social media (or leaving it altogether) or telling someone you disapprove of their choices. Whatever it may be, take a count of your actions and energy. Ask yourself if you are moving from fear to protect yourself or if your choices are truly just? Trust the answer.

Being a villain can, after all, bring positive change and demand justice. Not all villains are evil, they just have to make sure they are not morally wrong and not cause more harm than good. It's a gray area, isn't it? What side do you relate to?

Health, Wealth and Wellness

During these erratic timelines, we must prioritize our health. It is imperative to slow down enough to listen and observe. Where are you placing your thoughts and energy? How are you investing in your wellness? What needs to be placed at the top of the list?

Massage, movement, nature, dance, sound baths, drumming...these are all great tools to nurture your inner medicine to help you heal. Nature based practices are always a great choice.

Hang a wreath of pine by your door, smudge the house with wood betony and mugwort. Burn your written releases into a fireplace or safe place where fire may be lit. Bathe in the moonlight, write yourself a poem, make homemade soap and soups. Nurture your hearth, heart and soul.

Trust in the process...

We are all doing our part and if you feel a heaviness that feels a bit too much around someone, ask yourself if they too are carrying the collective in their energy. I bet you will get a yes. Talk about it. Ask them what they are feeling, how they are doing. You may be surprised by the answer. Offer them tools for healing if they will receive it.

This full moon is pure MAGIC. It is burning up the debris in the well so we can drink clean water. It is digging deep into the recesses so we can wake feeling the new! There is wild, wind filled change in the air! We are rising.

It is showing us where we are going and what must be left behind. It is preparing us for a future where we learn to pass the torch, not the sword. The sword represents battle. The torch represents lighting another's path.

Together, we unite at the dark path, hand in hand with flickering flames that will only cast light upon the path. These flames rise in our bellies and set us on a path that is true and pure. The nefarious will not walk with us. They will not win. They are not invited. The flame that lights the way has always been the way. Fight the good fight, but we do it with leadership and modeling for a world that we all want to see. We are in this together.

In Consciousness,


women with torches, sisterhood, women with light
Women Lighting the Path

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