In the past two years, I have had a large attraction from professionals who are in the Medical and Bio Tech fields.
I have found it fascinating how many Scientists, Doctors, and Leaders in the medical industry are seeking out Consciousness. They want to heal and understand how healing can be experienced through vibration, frequency and other modalities, such as breathwork, hypnosis, NLP and tapping (EFT)
What is driving this force?
My observation has provided data that involves theory and science mixed with mathematics, (geometries mostly) and the underlying desire to understand that there is something more. In session, we speak about faith, trauma, childhood, ancestry, beliefs, toxins, and most importantly energy.
There is a fine line between science and spirituality, and many are discovering that both need to have equal dedication if the evolution of science and cellular innovations are going to be met. Mostly my research has led me to believe that energy follows belief.
When we can change our beliefs, we begin to heal at a cellular level. Belief can hurt, harm and shatter lives. It most certainly can create a neuropathway that keeps one stuck on a loop of limiting belief. It is a pattern that can be reprogramed and lead to unbelievable and achievable results for a life that is fulfilling, empowering and successful.
The individuals that I have worked with want to understand energy, and healing from the spiritual and cellular level. They are seeking out information on how they, as leaders in their field, need to adjust their frequency, beliefs and learn about mindfulness, along with the neuropathways of a brain under the influence of vibrational and meditative therapies to shift their thoughts towards a more conscious based approach in their business practices.
My journey with my clients has stirred a newfound excitement for the work that I do and how it is being received. It is exhilarating to hear a Surgeon say "I've never really looked beyond the science and western medicine that I have been taught to see that a human can actually heal themselves through cellular activation and change the neuropathways of the brain.
Most of the time this involves trauma focused therapy, or spiritual coaching and a discovery that most (if not all) disease comes from energy and environmental toxicity.
Medical professionals embracing energy work
I find it humbling and exciting to see that there is a willingness to adopt change and look past the microscope. There is a new world being built that shows us that companies, such as Pfizer, Biogen, Merck, Imagen, etc., are incorporating mindfulness and wellness into their programs, encouraging employees to change their opinions and ideas of wellness. Some of these companies are hiring teams for yoga, meditation and even reiki.
Change the environment, heal the person
As more and more companies demand in office attendance, labs become inundated with the latest developments for vaccines, Doctors become sick due to work overload and energetic imbalances, it leaves them seeking.
They want healing too. They want to go to work and not absorb their environment around them. They are curious about how and why Cancer rates are at an all-time high, why there is an increase of people younger than 40 having strokes and heart attacks.
The data doesn't lie. Most of my clients ask me why they are not able to connect with their staff, clientele or patients as easily as before. They tell me there is a disconnect, a frustration, a resistance.
I always tell them it's because there is a new language to learn. People aren't responding to outdated clinical coldness, and corporate dryness. They want real people, collaborative environments and a place where they can be seen, heard and a part of a team. Most of all they want to feel safe and a part of something.
Why? Because we ALL want to embrace humanity and the healing crisis we are in.
If you are in the medical field or bio-tech industry and reading this, then you are onto something for yourself. You must be a part of the consciousness that is behind the global mindset to heal from the body level up. This is an inside job.
We are in a world where everything we touch, see, speak and do has an impact on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. As humans, we are spongey. We absorb.
We pick up everything. Every single second in the day, our brains are taking in a massive amount of information – about 11 million pieces per second. But we can only consciously process about 40 of those 11 million pieces per second. Imagine what that does to the body? To our health and to our research as our brains try to create original thought.
Couldn't that become a part of the new healing identity? To raise consciousness enough in all the workplaces and in the fields where medicine is so prevalent? Bio Tech researchers are literally using living organisms to manufacture products to solve problems. This includes identifications for DNA, gene cloning and more. There is cutting edge technology being developed every day. Consciousness is at the front lines.
We are living in a different world.
Just as we learn about inclusivity in the workplace, we learn about wellness too. It all goes hand and hand.
Consciousness is the leader. Let's get on board the brain train and help create a better world. There are many pioneering and helping structure a new foundation. Trust me, it's worth building. All hands on deck!
Written by:
Danielle Federico
Conscious Leadership Coach, Writer, Wellness and Mindfulness Coach